ok in the morn there was maths which is nth to talk abt. after maths went home at abt 12 to bathe n change n put lipstick n eyeliner n eyeshadow n fake eyelashes n fake eyebrows n fake hair n fake nose... for more refer to s01 private forum haha so eugene ws n me went to the bus stop together but too bad ws got db trg so he only caught up with us later.
so we took mrt, n on the train we met who else but zuwei n waika. between us 2 pairs we challenge see which route reach clarke quay mrt faster. i n eugene took the cityhall-dhoby ghaut-little india-dhoby ghaut again-clarke quay way. we were too kan cheong spider then chiong on board the wrong train. shit. haha. zw n wk went by the outram park way... when we reach clarke quay mrt there was no one there then we thought we miraculously won, but then zw n wk walked towards us frm the toilet. then we "aiya shit lah."
so we waited, then slowly lt came, malcolm, weemeng, darren came n join us in the waiting. after god knows how long, then Superband arrived... with all the makeup n dressup n same walking frequency (look) :

see rt doing performance moves also hahah
but observe (miss wong)
same leg forward
same dress sense- got two layers
same poise towards the camera
only yz the stride frequency is antiphase cuz she's female -> reflection -> to create an imbalance and contrapposto
then wait a while more, then the girls came... too bad no photo; shud have taken one- desiree sweesan mich came, also like going to esplanade or clubbing sia... then i'm just like wad, tshirt n cargos? haha then after abit of talking blah blah then we proceeded to settler's cafe. it was quite ulu, contrary to wad i thought it was gonna be like... but anyway after we stepped in the atmosphere wasnt ulu at all... we went to the table n ordered some food- i ordered Triple Deckers without even knowing wads tt they didnt say; the menu's even in a monopoly layout! cool. i sat at the end, so i took a (lousy unplanned) photo (which excluded like half of the ppl there).

n tt square thing is the menu, not monopoly.
so after ordering food they gave us another menu- a catalog of like 40-odd board games to choose frm. so mich, yuezhi, weemeng, malcolm n me played the game of life... its something like a combination of monopoly n The Sims, if u can imagine. Fun but play damn long (like monopoly.)
halfway the food came but we still continued playing. had to shift ard due to space constraint. after tt game finished, i played Snorta with tantan (baa) pat (shit he finished too early i forgot his animal) sweesan (squeak) desiree (woof) mich (COK COK KEH haha) malcolm (oink) n yz (ssss). haha damn loud la we shouted the whole place down ahha... after tt zhiyuan n weitian came then they joined weemeng yz n me in Acquire. totally some businessman's game... must buy stocks n stuff... hahah but everyone learned it quite fast so we could play it quite smoothly... and, as hypothesised by everyone, weemeng won. duh. haha after tt we took class photos there on the sofas, then on the way out decided to take photo with this chef

hahaha whee 4 hrs of eating drinking laughing shouting slacking n board games! then we went to cineleisure... along the way i took scandals but i shouldn't post them here cuz those r supposed to be "scandals" n not really scandals... went straight up to the cinema... outside there dunno y we seemed fascinated with the posters then started taking pics... hahaha while waika was buying drinks i think.

n that's eugene "grabbing" part of an alien, not something else ar haha.

n since darren was wearing rt's jacket, n silas was on the wall...
hahah one look so evil one look like some suffering...
buy our stuff already then waited for ws n nadia to come frm db trg then we all went in.
The Da Vinci Code was damn gd la in my opinion... i mean lets say there was no book, its a superb movie lah... feel like reading the book already. n i think its bttr this way la. if i had read the book first then the movie would have sucked. after the movie we had long john silver then we went home...
so, to summarise, today simply rocked! damn fun if the rollerblading thing's on i'll definitely go. n of course, take more pics... k cya
tt was one heck of a long post man.