こころおどるきおく a cheerful memory
a picture that took half my breath away. thanks to john for putting up that facebook challenge...
nothing makes me gush more than looking at a childhood memory that was so long ago, it might have been crushed by the decade-over of other memories.
this girl's name is penny and she's trying to pry open a skull to get some jewel inside. might be familiar to some of you.
for all those decades, i can actually remember: this was the first time i learnt the word "pry". it was a storybook of the cartoon (with pictures) for kids. some images really stay with you for a lifetime... when i did that Walt Disney cartoon quiz on facebook and saw the picture of the mice it sort of went through my eyes to my brain and all the way down to my SINO-ATRIAL node. haha i dont know how better to express that. maybe a phrase in spirited away's theme song: "こころおどるゆめ"... in this case it'd be こころおどるきおく - a memory which makes my heart frolick :)
yes, i'm downloading it now. taking longer than i can wait. i realize there are many more things that would grasp my heart and crush my lungs in the same way... a smell, a place, a toy, a song... the smell of churros, a tuckshop, a white spaceship with 8 windows, and the Song of the South.