ten more days. freakin fast huh... it doesnt even take me a little effort to remember the first day i stepped in here, when half the school skipped orientation (i think tpjc has a penchant for running outta school), the first day i met 05S01, the day we sat in a circle in an ice breaker session. zoom- more than a yr n a half's passed n its 10 more days to As... just hope we'll all do well, celebrate un-worriedly after the As, n celebrate when we get our results yeah!
anyway wads been up with me recently-
track farewell bbq at pak's house... quite fun but somehow few j1s went... maybe its cuz its the j2s n those particular j1s who're more familiar among ourselves, who go out n all that. but still i had fun! didn't have a swim in a long time haha... n i have videos of the speeches at the farewell but tpjc net got prob; can't upload them... when its back in order i'll post it!
Oct 18: graduation. the day was crammed to brim with nostalgia man... all the photos and the photo taking n the feeling of having the last period of curriculum. then got Farewell Assembly; thats when the nostalgia in the audi reach dy/dx = 0, d2y/dx2 -ve. the performances were at least nice... interesting or not is another thing. the choir one was gd, n ms tan's performance forced me to think about adolescence n everlasting youth cuz its like they're adults but dancing as children in costumes as if they were in kindergarten all over again. maybe its supposed to be satirical but to me it was quite artistic. then took lotsa photos/videos

haha check out tpjc05s01.blogspot!
and shit. forgot to get the form earlier n now we got table 50... abit far. paiseh my fault.
then after tt 16 of us went to sakae for lunch&dinner... very fun haha gorging ourselves crazy on sushi... just can't wait for after As. but then again i dunno gd or bad, happy or sad that im going on holiday for a week. either i bask in the ambience of spain or in the fun of s01... its abit like getting straight As or getting a billion bucks.
n yeah... HAPPY 18th TO JEMIMA! haha study hard yeah n DON'T GROW UP arh!
i think i'll just die if i had home schooling.
anyway wads been up with me recently-
track farewell bbq at pak's house... quite fun but somehow few j1s went... maybe its cuz its the j2s n those particular j1s who're more familiar among ourselves, who go out n all that. but still i had fun! didn't have a swim in a long time haha... n i have videos of the speeches at the farewell but tpjc net got prob; can't upload them... when its back in order i'll post it!
Oct 18: graduation. the day was crammed to brim with nostalgia man... all the photos and the photo taking n the feeling of having the last period of curriculum. then got Farewell Assembly; thats when the nostalgia in the audi reach dy/dx = 0, d2y/dx2 -ve. the performances were at least nice... interesting or not is another thing. the choir one was gd, n ms tan's performance forced me to think about adolescence n everlasting youth cuz its like they're adults but dancing as children in costumes as if they were in kindergarten all over again. maybe its supposed to be satirical but to me it was quite artistic. then took lotsa photos/videos

haha check out tpjc05s01.blogspot!
and shit. forgot to get the form earlier n now we got table 50... abit far. paiseh my fault.
then after tt 16 of us went to sakae for lunch&dinner... very fun haha gorging ourselves crazy on sushi... just can't wait for after As. but then again i dunno gd or bad, happy or sad that im going on holiday for a week. either i bask in the ambience of spain or in the fun of s01... its abit like getting straight As or getting a billion bucks.
n yeah... HAPPY 18th TO JEMIMA! haha study hard yeah n DON'T GROW UP arh!
i think i'll just die if i had home schooling.