escargo gambargo finnelapasgibolisco.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

trepidation's the word.

definitely not "thinking abt tomorrow like i think about now"... how come it seems tt i feel i can do all the freakin questions but when i check answer all wrong. thanks know might as well dont do... i dun even know that i dunno how to do the qn. thats super dangerous man... now i happen to be bloggin cuz bro's on the violin n silence is either for him to break or for me to use. so here i am.

the exams just keep appearing in my minds eye like its a few hours later or something. then i get damn stressed, then i read somewhere tt stress biologically inhibits memory. shit man

actually i dunno why the hell im taking the subjects im taking. on one hand its the physics/maths n on the other hand im doing biology/chemistry. liddat most likely im wasting abt 1 to 2 subjects after my uni path becomes clearer to me, if u get my drift. hope i can survive not the As- everyone can survive that- but the moment when i make eye contact with my results slip next year. this is where trepidation comes in... just imagine it urself n u will slowly feel ur heart pump faster n feel ur epinephrine secretion increase like crazy. just by imagining... at least for me.

Thahman Shangmogaratnumb has moulded the future of our nation into a bunch of epileptics who dont mind exchanging their lives for distinctions on their certificate.

Welcome to Singapore! Would you like to be part of the rat race?


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