over the week:
mon/ went for a movie with 10 4B-ians... that's damn fun. but the show's not. MIAMI VICE SUCKS... Do Not Watch. Period.
tues/ mugged at mp lib with ly
wed/ studied + a funny steamboat with eugene darren jemima nadia sylvia jessie @ jemimas hse... n her hse is indescribably intriguing man... huge, home-y, plus her brother's cool room n the concealed room. ha now that's something.
thurs/S paper "prelims". dunno wad to say, but i was almost totally antiphase with the questions. on top of carelessness. if any of u out there know abt any CareMore drugs/steroids/medicine, feel free to contact me... No Negotiations Needed, i'll take it at any price.
today/ went to airport to mug with the usual gang (-darren).
tomorrow/ eat cai tao kueh. ok random but thats abt the only thing i know abt tmr.
now first thing on my mind is the first thing on this post. ws told me abt "getting into their league"... before the results came out i thought it was a near possibility but now it tends to a freakin mirage. sigh. trying to stimulate my morale to the positive region... abit like a game of pool/bowling. u need that "yeah! man" to get the positive feedback working.
P(good grades if ur a Singaporean) = 1 - P(taking the plunge)
ok that's all... cya sometime either later or much later. And if you're taking the As, good luck. we're all dragons too.