escargo gambargo finnelapasgibolisco.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

gotta love my siblings;

gotta love my parents;

gotta love my whole mad cockalow family.

that might just be the reason why i'm still holding that perth trip so close.

when it's not like everyday where
one is watching 9pm chinese show,
one is on the com,
the other is on his com,
another is on his com,
and one is in her lab thousands of kilometres away.

for everyone to be smiling together,
that's just one of the moments that take my breath away.

Monday, September 15, 2008

everytime i return from an overseas holiday i go through this unexplainable post-vacation emo stage. cuz the moment i hit singapore, everything starts to come flooding back- everyone has their own "everything"- last time it was schoolwork and exams, now it's booking in and duties to think of.

the thing about getting aboard a plane and going to australia for a holiday is that it makes me (u?) really not want to come back. cuz i really had a lot of fun over in WA (thanks to chair!).

ah.. i'm thinking of so many things to say but i can't say them, i dunno why. i'm finding myself stuck in the photos of the vacation, stuck back there where i didnt need to care so much about anything, just holidaying. and why does facebook only allow 60 photos per album!
i need to sleep. i need to escape... back to perth, back to UWA... back to lancelin to sandboard... back to... burswood... pearl room... back...