j2's damn stress la. very difficult to cope. esp for someone who luckily got 2 s papers with 4 A subjects. just suddenly feel like blogging abt it. feels like my heads gonna split. Just the life of a singaporean jc student. its boring, really. n i remember my dream last night.
i was just like i am, a boy, playing outside my house... but one thing: all i had to do was step on a piece of paper n try to slide across the ground... n when i concentrated hard enough, i could imagine myself to use the paper to move without stopping. soon i was able to move damn fast; cuz the speed just wouldnt decrease... i was soon whizzing through tpjc... past the foyer... suddenly it was a blur n i was skimming the waters of singapore, skirting some hotel or building i forgot... i was able to skate on the surface of the water! i assure u i was feeling the happiest n most relaxed then... then i went faster; n appeared in some eden-like garden with exotic plants, flowerbeds n weird never-seen before plants... then i was moving so fast tt i rose... then i realized i became a phoenix-swallow-hybrid sort of yellow bird, flying damn fast around in the sky... swooping, spiral-diving... the main thing i clearly remember, even now, is how happy n elated i felt during this dream. it was like i had nothing else to care about... juz flying around having fun. there was another bird, light blue, abt the same size, also in the air. the last scene was me n the other bird in the crimson sky... flying towards the setting/rising sun.
i wrote this down immediately after i woke up... dun wanna forget such a dream so soon. i had one such before... something to do with a light blue-glowing playground at the top of some hill or mountain. the feeling i felt was the same... damn damn damn damn damn happy. i think even if i get 6 distinctions also i won't feel such elation.
Thats what dreams r for, for me, bryan low. they help me cope with the prisonlike reality. this cannot do, that cannot do. in dreams, u can agree or disagree with anything, obey or defy anything. In the world that i just woke up from, Newton would have been slammed for coming up with his rubbish laws of motion.
i was just like i am, a boy, playing outside my house... but one thing: all i had to do was step on a piece of paper n try to slide across the ground... n when i concentrated hard enough, i could imagine myself to use the paper to move without stopping. soon i was able to move damn fast; cuz the speed just wouldnt decrease... i was soon whizzing through tpjc... past the foyer... suddenly it was a blur n i was skimming the waters of singapore, skirting some hotel or building i forgot... i was able to skate on the surface of the water! i assure u i was feeling the happiest n most relaxed then... then i went faster; n appeared in some eden-like garden with exotic plants, flowerbeds n weird never-seen before plants... then i was moving so fast tt i rose... then i realized i became a phoenix-swallow-hybrid sort of yellow bird, flying damn fast around in the sky... swooping, spiral-diving... the main thing i clearly remember, even now, is how happy n elated i felt during this dream. it was like i had nothing else to care about... juz flying around having fun. there was another bird, light blue, abt the same size, also in the air. the last scene was me n the other bird in the crimson sky... flying towards the setting/rising sun.
i wrote this down immediately after i woke up... dun wanna forget such a dream so soon. i had one such before... something to do with a light blue-glowing playground at the top of some hill or mountain. the feeling i felt was the same... damn damn damn damn damn happy. i think even if i get 6 distinctions also i won't feel such elation.
Thats what dreams r for, for me, bryan low. they help me cope with the prisonlike reality. this cannot do, that cannot do. in dreams, u can agree or disagree with anything, obey or defy anything. In the world that i just woke up from, Newton would have been slammed for coming up with his rubbish laws of motion.
Haha your playground dream got NEON BLUE LIGHT ah. haha.
M, at 6:50 PM
jeenon one la.
bryan, at 2:50 PM
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