one for friday
its a good show in fact...
all abt the psychology. or maybe just my psychology. cuz it offers nothing mundane n everything mystical, in the disney way.
damn i like how they came back from world's end... philoso-conceptual...
up is down.
not sunset, but sundown
its a good show in fact...
all abt the psychology. or maybe just my psychology. cuz it offers nothing mundane n everything mystical, in the disney way.
damn i like how they came back from world's end... philoso-conceptual...
up is down.
not sunset, but sundown

super corny n maisy yet still funny... in the typical shrek's random/ all-at-once/ anticlimax/ spoofy kinda humour. n the story's plot actually unravels! if ur down in the dumps this show should put the smile back in u :D
yo, ho
haul together
hoist the colours high.
heave ho
thieves n beggars
never say we die.
i was in a half-sized car n dad was driving up a HDB staircase with a low ceiling. i was some kancheong spider n yet he was like "dont worry lah, i told u can already..." n surprisingly he manoeuvred it, slowly, all the way to the dead end at the top n parked it there. n somehow we could still get out easily. i walked down the stairs, heard some sound tt was damn irritating, then nxt thing i realized it was my freaking alarm clock. what a weird dream...
haha this is my portrait of yuezhi's colleague's daughter. my first ever portrait... done using two saturdays of formation duty. couldn't figure out exactly what kinda hairclip was tt so i changed it... n i think i unlocked the skill to drawing hair hahha (straight/wispy style sorry.) all it takes is a mixture of 3B,HB, a lil' confidence n patience. n i also realized i made the jacket a tad oversized. dammit hahaha but anw its a first lah so can close one eye (i normally open both n put toothpicks to prevent them frm closing one). but its still unfinished. gonna add a few more childish touchups to it before i Fixatif it :D yeah man woohoo!
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