been watching DEAL or NO DEAL on chn 5 tues n weds night. i must admit its as exciting as they say... esp. when the banker offers something to the tune of $16,600... then the time when adrian pang opens the button panel n u see the participant go all maniacal, stroking the red button, or doing anything but pressing it, then finally closing the panel in refuse.
it actually all boils down to greed doesn't it. idealizing the outcome in our heads... the question of "what if"... somehow humans have a habit of forming a mental picture of the ideal outcome, then after we imagine seeing it we'll go on to believe it.
i hated hope once... but i didnt realize that it was actually a wish in disguise...
whatever la.
thursday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! hope u get lost in tt book of lost things n enjoy ur newfound freedom of 18s... Heck the Mums n Heck the Dads hahaha no la jk...
dun catch can go jump.
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