saturday was abit of a disappointment. i just dont understand the sch's intention of limiting college day audience only to prize-winners n invited guests a.k.a current students, many of whom wanna pon (knowing tpjc)... in the end ppl who wanna go (not just to get their attendance marked) dont get to go... non-prize takers didnt get to see tk, wm n s01 in the limelight of the audi. heard they replayed photos of tk (n inevitably s01) onscreen to appraise tk. i missed all tt, how sian can it get! damn.
but in any case, i went to pool abit with dar at DTE before meeting up with the rest at tpjc. quite heartwarming to see everyone n the teachers again :D too bad ms tan couldnt come... so we hung ard the foyer talking like everyone'd lose their mouths the next day.
n i collected my school graduation certificate... it looks cool man... like some book prize or sth. how they glamourise the cert... but then again, everyone in Dragon Year (again!) got it. so by absolute perspective its gd n nice n cool. by the relative perspective its chey i also have.

thumbs up for the glam cert! hahaha
the class went to mrs gay's house after tt... her dogs look magnificent man, esp the brown one (forgot wad breed alr.) n we whacked table soccer until damn fun like hor fun haha never knew it could b that fun... No Rules. had pizza of all sorts... saturating the stomach. took photos, hung around talking cock, the thing tt we always do!

s01 @ mrs gay's house

n i find this photo damn funny dunno y... smile everytime i see it hahaha
next is the day ms tan comes back! looking forward to it :D
watched Spidey 3 on sun w eugene n ws. contrary to what the bulk of reviewers think, i think its actually good. stunning visuals, gd plot (u cant expect it to be as intertwined as those korean/ hongkong serials), and with a twist- the final 2v2 battle. n venom looks damn cool hahaha. probably its reverse psychology in action. the early swifts who caught the worm expected a snake and got a worm. they lambast the worm, calling it a maggot. the ostriches who caught their worm later expected a maggot and got a worm. so here i am praising the worm for being a snake :D Four stars!
nus offered me Engineering Science... if i decide not to change it in the next two years, im almost 80% decided on Bioimaging and Optics for the specialization. but i sure as hell wanna at least minor in psychology! or if can do double major even more Shiok! but confirm dont have... shiat.
n ok this is random. i dunno whether i said before but there's sth suspicious abt how CMRC hires NSFs... their names are Wen Jin, Jun Jie, John, Jeff, Jia Bin & Jun Long...
ok shit i was tagged by jema... argh. why me!! haha some purposely right?!
Rules of the Game
Each player starts off with ten weird habits/little known facts about yourself.
Tagged people to blog about ten weird habits/little known facts.
You must choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
No tagbacks and state rules clearly!
ok the six ppl r Somebody, Anyone, Everybody, Anybody, Someone, n Everyone.
so basically if ur reading this, or ur on my links, or u tagged at the board before, or u comment before, or u accidentally typo address then come to this blog, or u kena some virus anyhow no meaning link u to this page, u're tagged! so go n do... aiya up to u lah
well here goes nothing n there goes my S01-ness.
1. i recently walked into a glass partition at challenger. if u think i said this before... no. i said i nearly walked into it. fact is i actually did... as in got kena the glass abit la. shit.. dun start calling me blur now
2. i thought white chicken n brown chicken (as in some chicken rice) were different kind of chicken
3. when i was in pri sch i was one of the two shortest ppl in class... doesnt matter guy or gal cuz dunno y somehow all the gals all abit the tall.
4. i can't wake up without an alarm clock. with alarm clock also still only 50% chance
5. the maju camp canteen auntie asked me whether want ice (ping) or not. i told her "one month ago" or sth liddat cuz i thot she ask me when i come in (army is ping rite.)
6. i dream everytime i sleep.
7. i have phobophobia... means i have phobia of having phobia (i think im running out of things to say)
8. i hate someone's hands and face. that someone's name is Clock.
9. i can swim even in quicksand but not in memories.
10. i threw away the key to the box i kept my secrets in
but in any case, i went to pool abit with dar at DTE before meeting up with the rest at tpjc. quite heartwarming to see everyone n the teachers again :D too bad ms tan couldnt come... so we hung ard the foyer talking like everyone'd lose their mouths the next day.
n i collected my school graduation certificate... it looks cool man... like some book prize or sth. how they glamourise the cert... but then again, everyone in Dragon Year (again!) got it. so by absolute perspective its gd n nice n cool. by the relative perspective its chey i also have.
thumbs up for the glam cert! hahaha
the class went to mrs gay's house after tt... her dogs look magnificent man, esp the brown one (forgot wad breed alr.) n we whacked table soccer until damn fun like hor fun haha never knew it could b that fun... No Rules. had pizza of all sorts... saturating the stomach. took photos, hung around talking cock, the thing tt we always do!

s01 @ mrs gay's house

n i find this photo damn funny dunno y... smile everytime i see it hahaha
next is the day ms tan comes back! looking forward to it :D

nus offered me Engineering Science... if i decide not to change it in the next two years, im almost 80% decided on Bioimaging and Optics for the specialization. but i sure as hell wanna at least minor in psychology! or if can do double major even more Shiok! but confirm dont have... shiat.
n ok this is random. i dunno whether i said before but there's sth suspicious abt how CMRC hires NSFs... their names are Wen Jin, Jun Jie, John, Jeff, Jia Bin & Jun Long...
ok shit i was tagged by jema... argh. why me!! haha some purposely right?!
Rules of the Game
Each player starts off with ten weird habits/little known facts about yourself.
Tagged people to blog about ten weird habits/little known facts.
You must choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
No tagbacks and state rules clearly!
ok the six ppl r Somebody, Anyone, Everybody, Anybody, Someone, n Everyone.
so basically if ur reading this, or ur on my links, or u tagged at the board before, or u comment before, or u accidentally typo address then come to this blog, or u kena some virus anyhow no meaning link u to this page, u're tagged! so go n do... aiya up to u lah
well here goes nothing n there goes my S01-ness.
1. i recently walked into a glass partition at challenger. if u think i said this before... no. i said i nearly walked into it. fact is i actually did... as in got kena the glass abit la. shit.. dun start calling me blur now
2. i thought white chicken n brown chicken (as in some chicken rice) were different kind of chicken
3. when i was in pri sch i was one of the two shortest ppl in class... doesnt matter guy or gal cuz dunno y somehow all the gals all abit the tall.
4. i can't wake up without an alarm clock. with alarm clock also still only 50% chance
5. the maju camp canteen auntie asked me whether want ice (ping) or not. i told her "one month ago" or sth liddat cuz i thot she ask me when i come in (army is ping rite.)
6. i dream everytime i sleep.
7. i have phobophobia... means i have phobia of having phobia (i think im running out of things to say)
8. i hate someone's hands and face. that someone's name is Clock.
9. i can swim even in quicksand but not in memories.
10. i threw away the key to the box i kept my secrets in
you're looking good! :)
and the glam cert looks good too
was prom @ ritz for you too?
your "aiya up to you lah"
is so you - can imagine you saying it. hahahhahaha.
EH. psych is seriously NOT easy okay. but i believe you can do it..u like math? stats? regression? anova? other than the math bit, i love it:) its reallyyy interesting, so i support u! go go! heh. there r many different fields though, clinical, criminal, etc.etc. the money's good. pity i can't do it :(
u look constipated in that foto.but yeh very hilarious...
ooh. if u referring to that dog in e's a sheltie! okay tt's a nickname..shetland. :) ayeee. miss my dogs. miss sg! (bet ur sis also missg sg like dunno what)
like dunno what is SO her.
thanks know! hahahahaha. your legacy still remains... :)
Anonymous, at 1:52 AM
ooh. its ak aka tsw here.
i tried tagging but failed.
yeah psych's really fun & interesting but pretty heavy gg,
but for someone as brainy as you,
i'd really ask you to go for it:) esp if u're interested!
and engine's good.
actually engine + psych will be damn power. engineers command a veryvery high salary & psych pp are in HIGH demand... wish i cld hv done it n continued w doin BA double maj psych+eng, im not continuing w psy so doesnt lead me anywhere..will fill u in on info if u need.
Anonymous, at 1:59 AM
o now i know exactly what u study haha...
yeah tpjc prom was at ritz too :D
n im abit the 'Huh'... how come psych also need all tt hardcore maths stuff one?! i thot its more to the neuroScience kinda stuff if anything...
n we had to come up with a stupid pose on the fly so i decided on the shit-cannot-come-out one lo hahaha... i think i know y the tagging always fails already... i think its cuz overshot the character limit... nvm la liddat comment lah. better also :)
bryan, at 12:50 AM
i'll pass you alll my psych stuff if you want. TAKE IT ALL! hahaha;)
there's cognitive, neuroscience, perception, social psy, developmental psy, (social & dev my favourites!) the cog, neuro & perception a lot of bio stuff!
but there are compulsory statistics units.
hahahaha yeah can tell ur stool cannot come out! :) still can laugh when constipating! not bad lah you *applauds* dumdeedummm :)
Anonymous, at 1:49 AM
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