another puff of a flame and i'm 19 now. sounds too old i think for me. n metaphorically speaking they say boys become men after bmt... but they forgot abt pes c ppl. so how sia liddat haha... im a Betwixt-and-Between, as how j k rowling would put it. ah but who gives a shit. im not into philosophy anw; anyone intending to take philosophy can start here n give me an essay on age (but not anything on the oedipus complex thanks).
anw i wanna say a BIG THANK U to my family for the timsum lunch (chair included lah cuz of perth timsum and the phone call) n also a HUGE THANK U to
t4 n jemima for the cake n the gay bday song n the wallet n gay flower
t4 n jemima n qixiang for the Messengers (movie lah.)
ly for the cap n the nice card
mel for the lockable compass- nv seen before haha
chair for the chocs (i think mum wont let me eat.)
bro for the ahem panther
n mum again for the advanced belated present
n everyone for their wishes thank u thank u very much :D
if any of u all happened to see the performances at bugis today, i think tanglin sec n juying sec did very well, juying esp. well choreographed, energy brought out fully, well executed... si beh ho ah!
went to watch the messengers... quite crap, n cheap also i think. not cheap production but cheap approach to a horror movie. using sound blasts that were over-the-toply loud. after tt we talked cock on the mrt abt making a spoof called The MSN... everytime at the part where the sound blasts we replace with the msn alert sound. damn lame rite?! no meaning haha
during one of my boredom stretches this week i played ard with fireworks again. for ppl who r absolutely clueless as to where to go, this is the answer

Preferred around the world. The SMNUT. For people who have No Idea.
hello there Na1Cr2O7. monosodium dichromate.
anw i wanna say a BIG THANK U to my family for the timsum lunch (chair included lah cuz of perth timsum and the phone call) n also a HUGE THANK U to
t4 n jemima for the cake n the gay bday song n the wallet n gay flower
t4 n jemima n qixiang for the Messengers (movie lah.)
ly for the cap n the nice card
mel for the lockable compass- nv seen before haha
chair for the chocs (i think mum wont let me eat.)
bro for the ahem panther
n mum again for the advanced belated present
n everyone for their wishes thank u thank u very much :D
if any of u all happened to see the performances at bugis today, i think tanglin sec n juying sec did very well, juying esp. well choreographed, energy brought out fully, well executed... si beh ho ah!
went to watch the messengers... quite crap, n cheap also i think. not cheap production but cheap approach to a horror movie. using sound blasts that were over-the-toply loud. after tt we talked cock on the mrt abt making a spoof called The MSN... everytime at the part where the sound blasts we replace with the msn alert sound. damn lame rite?! no meaning haha
during one of my boredom stretches this week i played ard with fireworks again. for ppl who r absolutely clueless as to where to go, this is the answer

Preferred around the world. The SMNUT. For people who have No Idea.
hello there Na1Cr2O7. monosodium dichromate.
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