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Saturday, April 14, 2007

a walk down Memory Lane

there is still no known material cure for a minor ailment that's been around for as long as there were humans- nostalgia. i suppose the only possible medicine is time. how long depends on the severity and the patient.

i happened to go to my folder called phone images n was looking for a photo taken quite long ago. i used camphones for quite a long time already... n im the kind of person who'd take a photo/video of almost everything, n use more than half of a 2gb miniSD for visual media. anyway i ended up browsing thru almost all my phone-taken pics, right from my first photo using the 6230 in '04 to date. try this- go to each n every folder containing pics u've taken or with u in it n copy all of them from yesterday up to the earliest photo u remember (so dont count those baby photos of u playing with whatnot), into one big folder. videos too. then arrange them according to modified, aka date. then start frm the first file n u can watch the replay of half your life again (~15 yrs to 19 yrs old is half your life; the other half is your childhood.) it should take at least 24 hours... then u'll suffer from withdrawal symptoms, otherwise known as emoness.

just started tutoring my younger cousin for physics n chem- for his n levels. jbciagfbavagvibgrrr by right after every sentence i say he should be nodding his head in agreement. but instead he's nodding his eyelids. in ignorance of course. thanks know... damn difficult. then i ask him something expecting an answer like "charge" or "work done". u know what he did anot... he come out tt typical eyelid-weightlifting head-swaying gestures and murmured, "uh... honey." WTH?

i read up abit on hypnosis before... this theta mode is the perfect mode for "getting under". HA next time if i get tired of him doing this then perhaps i'll put the lesson aside for awhile haha. see whether what i read works anot :D i just need a boring yet imperative voice... just not sure about the latter, looking back at my stint in gvss hahaha


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