escargo gambargo finnelapasgibolisco.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

"On these magic shores children at play are forever beaching their coracles. We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more."

there are some things I want to do before I die.
I want to:

wear a pair of seven-league boots and chase a falling star.

cross a river at the edge of the world, to work in a Japanese bathhouse for spirits and demons.

stay in a washitsu at the top of that bathhouse, overlooking nothing but the ocean and a small train travelling across the waters.

sit in a boat and row towards a huge yellow moon at 13 o' clock.

visit a limestone crystal playground at the top of Ayers Rock.

look down at my toes and see the ground miles away.

look back up and see a castle with a huge garden and oases.

follow a brown pomeranian along a drain and through a wall to a flashy night carnival with a huge Ferris wheel.

see a forest in all its greenery; and the night in all its sparkle.


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