shit man im just back frm a damn lame day at sch. today for no reason at abt 10 minutes to end of gp class me n cheexiang suddenly start this mini game- to link words in turn- no time limit-which end phonetically with aid/ate/ead/aight as long got the sound can already. then wtf! fight until gp lesson end, maths lesson end, chem lesson end, until 4plus walking to the bus stop still contesting know! super retarded. THEN ACTUALLY I WIN cuz he board the bus before giving his answer but then he sms 'substantiate' n a whole lot of others thanks to nestle ice cream. SO HE WIN... thanks ar
anyway now is the 'chiong' period for all jcs... revision after revision after revision after tests after tests after tests. in a way its gd but then again may have backlashes like pimples n even more white hair. but anyway dun care lah. look at albert einstein his hair all white, his face so screwed up but still respected in the scientific fraternity. i suspect i'll end up like him, hair all white, face so screwed up and yet nv get anything. tts damn sad case sia.
tts y things are always a mere tip of the freakin iceberg... ahbengs actually mug and nerds actually slack. tts y facades are so impt. its something everyone won't forget to put on before they leave home... even unconsciously. guess its human nature yeah

reminiscing Venezia- dubbed the City of A Thousand Faces :)
Spain here i come... maybe. but for now back to academia... cya
anyway now is the 'chiong' period for all jcs... revision after revision after revision after tests after tests after tests. in a way its gd but then again may have backlashes like pimples n even more white hair. but anyway dun care lah. look at albert einstein his hair all white, his face so screwed up but still respected in the scientific fraternity. i suspect i'll end up like him, hair all white, face so screwed up and yet nv get anything. tts damn sad case sia.
tts y things are always a mere tip of the freakin iceberg... ahbengs actually mug and nerds actually slack. tts y facades are so impt. its something everyone won't forget to put on before they leave home... even unconsciously. guess its human nature yeah

reminiscing Venezia- dubbed the City of A Thousand Faces :)
Spain here i come... maybe. but for now back to academia... cya
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