my dream on wednight/thursmorn: i was in a cinema with my frens damn late at night n the outside of the cinema was pitch dark, cannot see anything. the only light came frm the arcade beside the cinema- it only had one game machine with neon light. i went to sit on the car seat of the machine then suddenly i was in a park in bright daylight with my frens n there was this ODAC wooden structure nearby.

the lower layer is a wooden 'floor' the upper one is like those rattan chair material with a lemon on it. dunno y. then somewhere along the way i was putting a skeleton of a dwarf in the middle of the floor then i got off the structure n walked ard the park.
Suddenly someone shouted to faster get up the structure... then all my frens rushed up already on the wooden floor. i was running towards it then suddenly i realized got a bengal tiger (black n white stripes) chasing me- only it wasnt a tiger, it was a wolf. somehow i scrambled up the pole to the corner of the rattan square. i hung there, then suddenly the wolf jumped up high n grabbed the lemon with its mouth n landed on the wooden floor looking up at me... somehow like its eyes told me not to underestimate it; it can jump tt high.
then it jumped up onto the small square just near me... opened its mouth wide n lunged at me. luckily i rotate round to the underside of the pole... the wolf missed n jumped down to the ground before running away. then i was counting my lucky stars when suddenly an angel came down towards us. i was tearing n saying aloud "i wanna go back to school life" dunno y. then i woke up.
crazy man...

the lower layer is a wooden 'floor' the upper one is like those rattan chair material with a lemon on it. dunno y. then somewhere along the way i was putting a skeleton of a dwarf in the middle of the floor then i got off the structure n walked ard the park.
Suddenly someone shouted to faster get up the structure... then all my frens rushed up already on the wooden floor. i was running towards it then suddenly i realized got a bengal tiger (black n white stripes) chasing me- only it wasnt a tiger, it was a wolf. somehow i scrambled up the pole to the corner of the rattan square. i hung there, then suddenly the wolf jumped up high n grabbed the lemon with its mouth n landed on the wooden floor looking up at me... somehow like its eyes told me not to underestimate it; it can jump tt high.
then it jumped up onto the small square just near me... opened its mouth wide n lunged at me. luckily i rotate round to the underside of the pole... the wolf missed n jumped down to the ground before running away. then i was counting my lucky stars when suddenly an angel came down towards us. i was tearing n saying aloud "i wanna go back to school life" dunno y. then i woke up.
crazy man...
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